Make No Myth-Stake- This is really happening!

I’m sure many of you are familiar with “MythBusters” - a reality TV show that features two guys who like to debunk commonly held beliefs and urban legends about the physical world. Simply put, someone claims something to be true and these two find a way to test those statements in a very practical, calculating way, often to surprising and even explosive results. Similarly, news agencies work to uncover the “truth” behind claims and statements made by persons or groups of power and influence. In both cases, the general public really just wants a clear and trustworthy answer to “Is that true/accurate?”

That’s why these “blogs” of information are coming out now - to tell our gymnasium project story and set a clear and compelling vision for everyone to see. That’s part of this writing project. 

The other is this:  as a leader, I have often been told that my job is not just “CEO”, but also “CRO” - that is:  Chief Reminding Officer. Which means, it is a key responsibility to tell our school’s story and our vision over, and over, and over again. Sometimes that can feel wholly redundant. But most times it is invigorating to be able to share the story with those who have never heard it. And even more exciting when you can add the latest details and developments.  

True, for those of you who have been around a long time and have stuck with us through the many permutations and changes, you may have heard it all before. In these moments, we all  - and I mean “ I too” - need to remember that our community continues to grow and expand with new families and people interested in Christian education. 

Nowhere is this need more critical (and noticeable) than now as we anticipate the society approving financing for the construction of a large physical education and activity center at the secondary campus. .  

With every major change or project comes healthy curiosity and some genuine uncertainty from those in the know. Can you imagine if you were hearing all of this for the first time? We need to be sensitive and generous to everyone within hearing (reading?) range on this topic, and enfold them into the “community of knowing”. 

SO, thank you for indulging me in this opportunity to reiterate the story many of you have already heard.  Just please stick with it…because there are new things to share. Even this week!

When I accepted the role of executive director for the CSCE in late 2013, I had to sort through all varieties of saved documents - especially and including the minutes and memos surrounding the work of my predecessors and previous Boards. The record demonstrates already in 2011-12 that the Society was preparing to move forward with campus improvements, and a “campus master plan” that would see our 10 acres developed and optimized for an anticipated student population of 1100+. The next item scheduled for execution was a new (additional) gymnasium at the secondary school - a priority already defined and well supported by the obvious need for more space. And these needs would only increase as the student population continued to grow over the next several years.

Not to put too much emphasis on what has preceded us, it is important for us to take stock of where we are today - how our current operating conditions speak to expansion needs, and how economic forces and other conditions surrounding us have newly informed our choices to address CCS’s most pressing facility needs. The context we find ourselves in has led to some interesting and creative changes in the project, yet ultimately fulfills the hopes of a previous generation as well as the needs of generations yet to come. 

While many of these topics have been covered in previous publications over the last 4 years - including how and why changes were made in the project scope and design -  I’d like to take time over the next week (in advance of our financing resolution vote)  to clarify the most significant questions that members of our community continue to ask about the project. These include: 

  • The answer to WHY we must build 

  • The rationale behind building this facility FIRST when there is also a need for classroom space

  • The prudence in investing in geothermal tech at this point

  • The decision regarding our washroom designs, and

  • The means by which CSCE will afford a project of this size at this time 



Essential Space